Topic نام توصیف
صفحه 2 - چطور دو زبان بچه های دو زبانه روی همدیگر تاثیر می گذارند؟

Further videos صفحه 1 - عنوان: دو زبان از یک زبان بهتر است

صفحه 3a - Discover the language inputs of bilingual children!

صفحه 3b - Tips to give your bilingual child the best language input!

صفحه 4 - دو زبان از یک زبان بهتر است#4. چهار مرحله آموزش زبان دوم
صفحه 8 - Not only dinosaurs get extinct! How can we prevent the variety of languages from disappearing?

صفحه 10 - Family life with more than one language

صفحه Stano Daniel: Proud to Speak Romani

Involving families in exploring linguistic repertoires صفحه Interview with my parents (age range: 7+)
صفحه My family's language profiles and language dossiers (age range: 3+)
Living with more than one language کتاب Read more about living with more than one language

International Hello Speech Bubble by GDJ

صفحه Dive deeper ...

Selected online resources and literature on topics such as 'bilingual development' and 'living as a multilingual family'.

کتاب My multi-lingual self: Children's language self-portraits

Children in Italy were asked to draw pictures of themselves and their languages. See some examples.

صفحه My multi-lingual self: Parent template
صفحه Sharing and reflecting in the group

Activities which invite parents to share more about themselves with the group

کتاب Other activities to facilitate reflection about languages in the family

کتاب Other activities to facilitate reflection about languages in the family

صفحه Language Self-Portrait: Parent Template

We invite you to create you own language portrait. Here you can find a picture that can help you. 

صفحه Family Language Profile: Parent Template

Can you fill in the picture below? It helps you to show how you use the languages you know in your family. 

صفحه Language Competency Ladder: Parent Template

Can you fill in the picture below? It helps you to show how competent you feel in the languages you use, and how you feel about your child's language skills.  

صفحه Click here to read more about the idea of a word bank

The benefits of storytelling کتاب Read more about the benefits of storytelling

کتاب Examples of Storytelling

Most probably we all have experiences with oral traditions. As we grew up, we listened to our parents and other relatives and adults telling stories. Many stories are passed down through generations.

صفحه Storytelling: Questions for parents to reflect on and story re-telling activities

صفحه 1. Storytelling with Teddy

An activity to increase dialogues/language interactions that facilitate children’s language and literacy development.

صفحه 2. Storytelling with Objects

An activity to increase dialogues/language interactions that facilitate children’s language and literacy development.

کتاب 3. Creating your story glove (age range: 5+)

Learning in the early years and in school in England صفحه Read More - for practitioners
صفحه Read More - for parents

Learning in the early years and in school in England

صفحه Schools around the world - images

Which of the images best reflects your own experience in primary school? 

کتاب School experiences around the world: My experience

Here you can find an example of how a school experience in one country can differ to that in another country. Ask the parents in your group to share their own experiences and how they compare to their children's.

vacant white painted classroom with chairs, tables , and map on the wall

صفحه Questions for parents to reflect on

کتاب Activities that facilitate engaging with the concept 'learning through play'

صفحه Playdough home activity - Parent template

صفحه 'I spy' home activity - Parent template

صفحه Shared reading

Video: National Literacy Trust

صفحه Family Skills - Reading to Children

Top Tips

صفحه Video-clips to reflect on: Learning through play

Observing children engaged in play can help us to think about the concept of 'learning through play'.

صفحه Reading with young children
صفحه Phonics in the Foundation Stage and in Primary School in England
Supporting multilingual approach and competences کتاب Read more about supporting multilingual approach and competences
صفحه Observation prompts
صفحه My first words in my first languages - Description
صفحه My first words in my first languages - Activity steps
کتاب Activity: “What is it?” My first words in my first languages (age range: 4-8)
صفحه My first words in my first languages - Extra resources
Promoting different languages at home صفحه Group Discussion
Here you find some prompts for discussion in the group about multilingualism and transition to school.Gruppendiskussion

صفحه Identity Treasure Box - Requirements

Age range: 3-8 years

For practitioners:

  • Develop a clear plan for this activity, its purpose, and a perspective for presenting the results
  • Present an example of an identity treasure box
  • Create an atmosphere of trust and openness
  • Value diverse family backgrounds

For participants:

  • Be open to talk about and present personal information

صفحه Identity Treasure Box - Suggested Procedure

صفحه Co-creating a Memory Game - Requirements
صفحه Co-creating a Memory Game - Suggested Procedure
Feedback and evaluation - DO NOT DELETE صفحه Questions for parents to reflect on
صفحه Back-Up of feedback noticeboard page

for editing and moving across to groups

صفحه Back-Up of parent introduction to VLE
صفحه Back-Up of parent LWOL explanation section
صفحه Back-Up of parent TBOS explanation section
صفحه Back-Up of parent LITEYAISIE explanation section