Read more about Storytelling and Narratives
4. The educational value of digital multilingual narrative
Digital storytelling has great educational potential. Through educational use, with the active participation of students, it is possible to support the development of fundamental skills for individuals in today's society and important key competences for the 21st century, such as:
- cultural awareness and expression, meaning the "ability to appreciate the creative importance of ideas, experiences and emotions expressed through a variety of means such as music, literature and the visual arts and entertainment";
- digital competence;
- the spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship: understood as the ability to transform ideas into action through creativity, innovation and risk-taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects;
- the ability to learn to learn, or the ability to effectively manage learning, both individually and in groups.
Language and communication skills can also benefit from the use of digital multi- and mono- lingual narratives, promoting the ability to search for information, writing, organizing and presenting content in the mother tongue or in a foreign language, using problem-solving methods.
Furthermlore, new technologies foster interest and motivation, encouraging students and teachers to create their own paths of meaning and signification through a personal and meaningful writing,