3. Creating your story glove (age range: 5+)

3. Procedure

Home activity

You can choose to watch or listen to the story sources we share below or you can simply tell a story from your recollection or about your family history.

Example of Pinocchio in Turkish


After listen or share your story with your child, you can prepare a glove from paper as in below:

Now try to retell the story with your child by looking at the topics in the glow by asking questions on the topics written on each finger. The fingers propose five topics to shape the narration of storytelling. These are: the settingcharacters, the problem, events in the story and the solution. Using these five main narration topics you can help your child to retell the story:

    • When your child narrates the story in the country language you can support them by translating their words into your heritage language (e.g. Turkish) and ask your child if they mean it
    • You can ask your child to translate some of the words used in the story to the country language (e.g. English)
    • You can support your child by filling in the blanks when they struggle to communicate


  • Did you enjoy this activity? How was your child’s participation?
  • Which stories did you use for this activity?
  • How was the use of languages? Did your child insist on using one language over the other?
  • Were there moments of struggle for your child? If so, what might have caused it?
  • General comments and experience sharing