Read more about supporting multilingual approach and competences

2. Guiding principles

The aims pursued within this approach concern:

  • Focus on supporting of an active role in learning process of caregiver/s
  • Flexibility on the possible changes on the position of a caregiver during the learning process due to home environment development
  • Sensitive invitation of usage heritage language alongside with ethno-major language and any other languages appearing in the home environment and community center
  • Contextualizing the activities in the daily life matters of children, families and wider community, including the community center
  • Repetitive nature of the process of product formation, such as a map, portfolio, booklet, etc.
  • Sensitive treatment of family context and heritage, not pushing to uncover information that are unknown to children or concealed by caregivers, leaving the lead of the activity content as much as possible in the hands of families
  • Supporting ongoing reflexive process of community workers involvement, despite possible cooperation witch formal education facilities, emphasizing the autonomous position of community centers and their own agency