Living with more than one language |
1. World Map |
Image Hotspots |
The benefits of storytelling |
My Teddy - Cemil |
Course Presentation |
The benefits of storytelling |
My Story with Objects |
Course Presentation |
The benefits of storytelling |
The Hare and the Tortoise |
Drag and Drop |
The benefits of storytelling |
This is a presentation template which can be used to help users create this type of interactive content |
Course Presentation |
Learning in the early years and in school in England |
Drag and Drop |
Drag and Drop |
Learning in the early years and in school in England |
Match Subject to Picture 2 - More subjects |
Drag and Drop |
Learning in the early years and in school in England |
Match the book to the description of the story! |
Drag and Drop |
Learning in the early years and in school in England |
Match the book to the description of the story! |
Drag and Drop |
تَعْزيز لغات مُختلفة في ألبيت |
{mlang de}Anregungen zum Überlegen{mlang}{mlang en}Food for Thought{mlang}{mlang tr}Düşündürücü şeyler{mlang}{mlang ar}تغذيةُ ألعقل و ألأفكار{mlang}{mlang it}Cibo per la mente{mlang} |
Documentation Tool |
تَعْزيز لغات مُختلفة في ألبيت |
{mlang it}Treasure identity Box - Esempio{mlang}{mlang en}Treasure Identity Box - Example{mlang}{mlang de}Persönliche Schatzkiste - Beispiel{mlang}{mlang tr}Hazineleri Kutusu - Örnek{mlang}{mlang ar}صَنْدوقُ ألكَنز - مثال{mlang} |
Image Hotspots |
تَعْزيز لغات مُختلفة في ألبيت |
{mlang it}Identity Treasure box - Template{mlang}{mlang en}Treasure Identity Box - Template{mlang}{mlang de}Persönliche Schatzkiste - Schablone{mlang}{mlang tr}Hazineleri Kutusu - Şablon{mlang}{mlang ar} صَنْدوقُ ألكَنز - نموذج{mlang} |
Image Hotspots |
تَعْزيز لغات مُختلفة في ألبيت |
{mlang en}Description for Creating a Personal Identity Treasure Box{mlang}{mlang de}Anleitung für das Erstellen einer persönlichen Schatzkiste{mlang}{mlang ar}وصف لإنشاء صندوق كنز الهوية الشخصية{mlang} |
Course Presentation |
تَعْزيز لغات مُختلفة في ألبيت |
{mlang it}Esempio di Memory Game{mlang}{mlang en}Memory Game example{mlang}{mlang de}Memory-Spiel{mlang}{mlang tr}Hafıza oyunu{mlang}{mlang ar}لُعبةُ ألذاكرة {mlang} |
Memory Game |
تَعْزيز لغات مُختلفة في ألبيت |
{mlang it}Modello di Memory Game{mlang}{mlang de}Eine Vorlage für das Memory-Spiel{mlang}{mlang en}Template for a memory game{mlang}{mlang tr}Bir hafıza oyunu şablonu{mlang}{mlang ar}نَموذج لُعبة ألذاكرة{mlang} |
Memory Game |
تَعْزيز لغات مُختلفة في ألبيت |
{mlang it}Come creare un Memory Game{mlang}{mlang de}Anleitung für das Erstellen von Memory-Karten{mlang}{mlang en}Instruction to create a memory game{mlang}{mlang tr}Hafıza oyunu oluşturma talimatları{mlang}{mlang ar}تعليمات لوَضع لُعبة ألذاكرة{mlang} |
Course Presentation |