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Living with more than one language 1. World Map Image Hotspots
The benefits of storytelling My Teddy - Cemil Course Presentation
The benefits of storytelling My Story with Objects Course Presentation
The benefits of storytelling The Hare and the Tortoise Drag and Drop
The benefits of storytelling This is a presentation template which can be used to help users create this type of interactive content Course Presentation
Learning in the early years and in school in England Drag and Drop Drag and Drop
Learning in the early years and in school in England Match Subject to Picture 2 - More subjects Drag and Drop
Learning in the early years and in school in England Match the book to the description of the story! Drag and Drop
Learning in the early years and in school in England Match the book to the description of the story! Drag and Drop
Promoting different languages at home {mlang de}Anregungen zum Überlegen{mlang}{mlang en}Food for Thought{mlang}{mlang tr}Düşündürücü şeyler{mlang}{mlang ar}تغذيةُ ألعقل و ألأفكار{mlang}{mlang it}Cibo per la mente{mlang} Documentation Tool
Promoting different languages at home {mlang it}Treasure identity Box - Esempio{mlang}{mlang en}Treasure Identity Box - Example{mlang}{mlang de}Persönliche Schatzkiste - Beispiel{mlang}{mlang tr}Hazineleri Kutusu - Örnek{mlang}{mlang ar}صَنْدوقُ ألكَنز - مثال{mlang} Image Hotspots
Promoting different languages at home {mlang it}Identity Treasure box - Template{mlang}{mlang en}Treasure Identity Box - Template{mlang}{mlang de}Persönliche Schatzkiste - Schablone{mlang}{mlang tr}Hazineleri Kutusu - Şablon{mlang}{mlang ar} صَنْدوقُ ألكَنز - نموذج{mlang} Image Hotspots
Promoting different languages at home {mlang en}Description for Creating a Personal Identity Treasure Box{mlang}{mlang de}Anleitung für das Erstellen einer persönlichen Schatzkiste{mlang}{mlang ar}وصف لإنشاء صندوق كنز الهوية الشخصية{mlang} Course Presentation
Promoting different languages at home {mlang it}Esempio di Memory Game{mlang}{mlang en}Memory Game example{mlang}{mlang de}Memory-Spiel{mlang}{mlang tr}Hafıza oyunu{mlang}{mlang ar}لُعبةُ ألذاكرة {mlang} Memory Game
Promoting different languages at home {mlang it}Modello di Memory Game{mlang}{mlang de}Eine Vorlage für das Memory-Spiel{mlang}{mlang en}Template for a memory game{mlang}{mlang tr}Bir hafıza oyunu şablonu{mlang}{mlang ar}نَموذج لُعبة ألذاكرة{mlang} Memory Game
Promoting different languages at home {mlang it}Come creare un Memory Game{mlang}{mlang de}Anleitung für das Erstellen von Memory-Karten{mlang}{mlang en}Instruction to create a memory game{mlang}{mlang tr}Hafıza oyunu oluşturma talimatları{mlang}{mlang ar}تعليمات لوَضع لُعبة ألذاكرة{mlang} Course Presentation