My Story with Objects

Using objects you can find in your home or the room you are in, order the objects one at a time to create a story!

Ask your child to choose at least five objects that you will use to tell a story together.

Name the objects and talk about them - Where do they come from? Why are they important? What is the object called in the school language?

Try and create a story with your child (e.g. taking turns), using these objects they have collected. You could ask other family members to tell stories with the objects too. Observe which languages are used.

Upload photos of the objects to the platform and, looking at the photos one by one with your child, audio-record the little stories about those objects. You could also create labels or descriptions in other languages too.

The stories you create can be shared with other parents in the group, which means you can view the toy diaries other children created with their parents together with your child!

Here you can find one example we created: