Multilingual Dictionary (age range: 5+)

Pupils create the Multilingual Dictionary by working together in a collaborative way. 
The product of this activity becomes a resource for learning and for further activities. This activity can be incorporated into any lesson, regardless of the topic.


  • Teaching SLLs new words and expanding their L2 vocabulary
  • Consolidating pupils’ word knowledge
  • Learning to define words (ages 8+)
  • Learning words in other languages

Link to curriculum: 

All subjects



Every time the teacher introduces and explains a new topic, he/she should decide with his/her pupils which words are relevant and useful to talk about that topic. For example, if the topic is agriculture, then relevant words could be: seed, crop, field, and so on. All the words can be written on the board and then added to the VLE resource called Multilingual Dictionary, by inserting the words that have been identified during the lesson. Subsequently, every child is randomly given one of the words by the teacher, has to record the word’s pronunciation and provide a visual representation of it (a drawing, a photograph...) that has to be uploaded to the VLE.


STEP 2 (Age range 8+)

In addition to STEP 1, older pupils can also provide a definition of the word, in both verbal and written form. This means they can record and type in the words’ definitions on the VLE.

Further development:

Children could add the translation of the words in their other known language(s), ideally in both oral and written form. Pupils’ parents can be of help in doing this.

Materials and digital tools:

Words should be added to the VLE glossary tool called, "Multilingual Dictionary".


Последнее изменение: Thursday, 7 February 2019, 11:44