Read more about critical multiculturalism and intercultural education

Intercultural education refers to the process of interaction between people from different religious, cultural, linguistic and ideological backgrounds. This education is fundamental in addressing cultural differences (principles, values, traditions etc.) as well as other differences (gender, social, economic differences, etc.) on a social level. 

Intercultural education refers to “training educators (and children) in order to become able to appreciate different cultures, which are set in a traditional society and therefore able to accept to evolve in contact with these cultures, so that this diversity could become an asset enriching the cultural, social and economic life of the environment "

The development of ‘intercultural’ or ‘culturally sensitive’ education constantly seeks both theoretical and practical means in order to actively support the harmonious coexistence of different ethnic groups within the same class, neighborhood, or even the same family.

It is our belief that s School can and must broaden the children’s and families’ perspectives, prepare them for potential changes in the society which is continuously evolving, in order to renewing and overcoming the pedagogical issues and restrict the monocultural nature of the educational process.

While encouraging language (do you mean ‘home language maintenance’??), prior knowledge and experience (do you mean prior cultural knowledge and experience?) and at the same time exploiting the multicultural wealth of today’s modern kindergarten we can get information about children’s and parents’ everyday life, interests and multicultural background (Tsokalidou, 2012).

It is also important to be critical towards the dominant language and culture and to form a new identity and new social relations, acknowledging the variety of languages and cultures. To find the 

bridges connecting the school language with the parents’ home languages and strengthening of Greek (national language or Language of Instruction) as the target language.

সর্বশেষ পরিবর্তন: Tuesday, 19 March 2019, 2:38 PM