Language Competency Ladder: Parent Template

We invite you to show us how how competent you feel in the languages you use, and how you feel about your child's language skills. Please use the ladder picture below and draw stick figures onto the different rungs. 

The ladder has six rungs. Each rung has a description and a number. If you place a figure higher on the ladder this shows higher language skills of that person. 

1) very limited

2) a little bit

3) basic

4) good

5) very good

6) excellent

Use different ladders for different languages. E.g. one ladder picture for your heritage language, and one picture for your child's school language. 

Try to include a figure of yourself and your child in each picture. You can also add other family members! 

آخری ترمیم: Tuesday, 26 March 2019, 7:18 PM