Click here to read more about the idea of a word bank


A word bank is where examples of language experiences and skills and knowledge of a language are documented and brought together. Below, we have prepared some activities which stimulate parents to create such collections together with their children. 

The aim is not to illustrate individual children's language skills and competencies, but much more to facilitate processes of co-creation in the group. The idea is that parents and children of a particular group work together in creating language collections related to particular themes. This means that with a group of multi-lingual families, the dossiers can reflect the many different languages of the group. The aim is for children to be proud about their contributions in their own languages, and also to be curious and learn more about words and sounds in other languages.  We hope that the children (and parents) will enjoy seeing the word banks grow, and review and replay their own contributions as well as what others have added!

The examples we have created so far relate to the themes of farm and zoo animals, and objects in school. We have created forums where families' can post their entries using pictures or audio-clips, or write the names of the animals or objects in their heritage language.

You can add other themes, and also extend collections to more elaborate ‘language pieces’ – for example asking families to add audio- or video-recordings of stories, poems, songs, or rhymes children know in their languages. 

সর্বশেষ পরিবর্তন: Tuesday, 26 March 2019, 7:21 PM