Co-creating a Memory Game - Suggested Procedure

Phase A:

  • Introducing the game
  • Participants discuss relevant items/routines for starting and being in school 

Phase B:

  • Caregivers together with children take or search for pictures of relevant items/routines at home

Phase C:

  • Participants present pictures to the group and describe the item/routine in German and their family language
  • Discussion about relevance of item/routine for school environment or facilitation of transition
  • Group decides which pictures to include for a joint game (app. 10-15 min)

Phase D:

  • Pictures are uploaded into the VLE (please have a look at the slides for the instruction )

Phase E:

  • Playing the joint game and exchanging of pictures via the discussion forum for the creation of own games  

Laatste wijziging: Saturday, 30 March 2019, 07:53