Questions for parents to reflect on


A first school day in Austria and England .... 

This is a photo of me when I was seven, on my first school day in Austria. I did not wear a school uniform in school. I am carrying a 'Schultüte', like so many German speaking children do on their first school day. It is filled with presents – things to take to school like pencils and pens, and sweets! I don't think I had entered the school building or met my teacher before my first day. But then – that day we only stayed for an hour!

The other photo was taken on my younger boy's first school day in England. This was the first time they were both wearing their school uniforms. My older boy had been in school for two years by then, and most mornings the three of us had walked to school together, entered the school building and spent a few minutes in his classroom. Both boys had induction days before starting school - they had visited the school and classroom and met their teachers.


What do you think of this example?

How were the children in this example prepared for their first school day?

What can be done to prepare children for school?

Have you heard of the terms 'transition to school/preschool' or 'induction days'?


Do you remember starting school or preschool?

What was it like?

How does it compare to your children starting school or preschool?

Do you have other school experiences that are really different or quite similar to those your children have today?

Huling pagbago: Saturday, 30 March 2019, 8:34 AM